The United States Mixed Martial Arts Federation is proud to announce the arrival of Forrest Hobbick as our new Northeast Regional Director.
Forrest Hobbick has been a part regulating amateur MMA in New York State since 2012, with backgrounds in Boxing, Wrestling and Judo. He is a former NYS Director of ISKA and NYSAC approved NUWAY. Forrest began as an MMA judge and referee before taking more of a leadership role and helping bring a much needed structure to the early NY amateur MMA scene. After a short break from regulating, Forrest is enthusiastic about his opportunity and future in join the UMMAF.
“After speaking with the New York State Athletic Commission and several officials in the New England area and hearing that Forrest is one of the top regulators if not the best regulator in the area, this was a no brainer for UMMAF.” says UMMAF Vice President Ryan Brueggeman. “It really says something positive when an individual is endorsed by high level officials and receives praise from a state commission.”
“After speaking extensively with Forrest, it became clear that his vision for the expansion of UMMAF and the programs we have in place, as well as one that is getting ready to launch, that he is up to the task and someone that we can count on.”
Says Brueggeman, “I have no doubt that Forrest will represent UMMAF in a positive way, and help bring credible, and reliable Regulation to the Northeast Region.”